Thursday 3 November 2011

Life Darkening

hello everyone......this is my view on whats happening wid da world n were is this all things including todays youth,religion,ones determination,thinking ability,understanding,mutual relationship,etc all of them are being connned by some genius minds who really are running this whole world on their tips as wateva way dey want n here we r still supporting them,going with their way,tryin to make our life comfortable,maintaining our lifestyle more often den it used to be b4,,,i mean whats dis all shits happening...
y r we n each n every ppl n humanbeing are just n just being conned...why r we forgetting our own culture ,our own issues,,our own markets,,our own products,,but dats wat those genius had done n dat too in perfect way dat we n al of these world ppl are unaware about the fact that we are really being conned....m gonna say n speak about each n every things dat i hv experience of my own n yes all my articles will be in resemble with the things going on will do effect ppl n coys n org related to my topic but thats a fundamental about life being conned by those genius......
1-INDIA-this country rating to be having 2 most no. of population all over da world n being one of the most diverse ppl ,,even besides hving more doctors,scientist,researchers,socialist,developers,practical thinkers n so many intellectual personbalities but still this country is one of the most n most country being conned by those genius who are running this country by just sitting some so may thousand miles away 4m here.....
K sorry for nw as i gotta leave will conitue it late,,n besides i want all ur discussion,ur experience n ur point of view about the life of humanity being vconned by those genius mind behind this conned goin on>>>>>>>

k here i m again n topic continues with india.... rite nw in india GURGAON N NOIDA NCE N NEW DELHI are the places being developed more then ne oder cities or states in whole india,,,,even wen i was here in gurgaon some years bck there were fields n lands for agriculture,harvestment n also its a fact dat india has so much diversity n its so much rich wid resources for a gud acriculture success but what i see today is dat all those agricultural lands,waste lads n all other resource land dat there are sky scraappers being establishd,,,so many of new forms,brands,companies n so much of development is there but what the hech none of that companies are owned by india,,,their owners do belong to those genius countries running this simple valued ppls country...i mean they are establishing their companies factories n brands like AUDI,MERCEDES,HARTLEY DAVIDSON,CONVERGYS,NESCAFE,MC DONALDS,PIZZA HUT,KFC,ADIDAS,PUMA N SO MUCH TO BE LISTED ...BUT WHAT M TRYING TO SAY HERE IS IMAGINE IF THEY WERE TO construct these factories n manufacturing industries in their own country...just calculate da difference between labout rate ,land rate,etc ..theres a huge difference..its like a call centre worker in foreign country wud ask for atleast us$600-2000 for a month but that same work is being done here in just about us $200-500.beside our land is being used by them...tha is ll a well pllanned things goin on.. Just hv some view on disadvantages of this things.... for example...lets talk about fast food brands....first of all Mcdonald was established here byu them to hv survey n understand the ppls view on this kind of it is handy,,fashionable,,these storews are sophisticated too n when they got success in that business then there were no of these kind of brands establishing its foot i indian market like Ppizza hut,pizzeria,kfc,dominos,etc n etc after consuming all these products ppl here got a new desease which is called obessity n whih was n is one of the major problem even in us n other super now they are sending or selling us treatments to fight SAUNA BELT,SPA,FAT REMOVER N ETC N ETC....MORAL HERE IS DAT FIRST THEY R GIVING US THE SOURCE OF DISEASE N DAT ALSO IS NT FREE OF COST...WE ARE SUCH STUPID PPL DAT WE ARE PAYING FOR THAT DESEASE WHICH IS IN FAST FOOD SHAPE N AFTER DAT WEN WE GOT OBESSED AGAIN HERE THEY ARE SELLING THEIR PRODUCTS N AGAIN WE ARE PAYING FOR THE CURE OF THAT DESEASE WHICH THEY HD GIVEN US....EVN THESE TREATMENTS HV SIDE EFFFECTS WHICH PPL WILL B FACING IN COMING FUTURE N THEN U CAN C AGAIN THEY WILL BE HER SELLING US CURE FOR THAT DESEASE......WHATS GOIN ON WID THE PPL OF INDIA WHERE THERE ARE SO MANY INTELLECTUALS N RESEACHERS N ALL..... ARE WE NOT BEING CONNED OR WAAT?